Friday 9 March 2012

My 'favourite' browser (2)

More views of - or before - Cambridge Film Festival 2012
(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)

10 March

Looking, as I have not done in a while, at the audience - or the apparent audience - for or of this blog, I have found a new browser: Debian

It connects more to my posting (somewhere - I shall try to find a link) about names that sound forcedly made up, but never mind, I can rest content in the knowledge that there is a browser with such a name.

And I am reminded how, as much out of superstitition as any real belief that it would shock my 'actual' browser into co-operation, I used to call up one called NetShark (or some such) - if NetShark itself had actually been compatible, it might have been brilliant!


12 September

New browser sighted. Goes by the name of OS;FBSV, just like typical virus name...

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