Sunday 9 October 2011

'You're now as famous as Matt Damon!'

More views of - or after - Cambridge Film Festival 2011
(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)

10 October

The Agent is none the wiser, really, what this means: when he was told, during the Festival, that he now was this famous, he made some response, but not really to ask the question.

Yet it cannot alter the fact that he wrongly attributed, to Damon's co-writer and fellow actor Ben Affleck, the title role in Good Will Hunting*, so that has been remedied:

The Agent can now be as famous as someone whom he mistook for someone else... - which is what fame is all about, I guess: thinking that the person who is famous is the one whom we see

* But, at least, Affleck had been in - was a major part of and force behind - the film, he cavilled abjectly

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