Tuesday 11 October 2011

New allegations: Matt Damon opens my post

More views of - or after - Cambridge Film Festival 2011
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11 October

Not that I have, knowingly, seen him sitting down doing so with my paper-knife, but you can never be too sure, after Dylan Thomas besmirched the name of postal workers in that play for voices of his (and provoked a three-week stoppage in Swansea, some say)!

I probably wouldn't recognize him anyway, since his appearance in Festival Surprise Film Contagion on 25 September (which became Surprise Film (1), and its companion SF (2) thereby took away any audience for the Closing Film) as the slightly bovine focus for our concerns (obliged, as we are, by what peers out at us from the lens of the camera) did not make me cry out (to myself - in a hushed auditorium, after all) 'Ah, m'ol' mate and mucker Matt!'.

Still, sooner that than be spotted straightaway as Jude Law, but with the puzzlement of what on earth that non-Kiwi accent was supposed to be! It sounded as though it wanted to be from that part of the world, and maybe, like a virus, it had mutated by merging with the local one (I think that he was supposed to be in San Francisco)...

However, the internal evidence, i.e. of being called Alan Krumwiede, hints more at Afrikaans, of happy, youthful times spent in what - depending on his supposed age - might have been the white privilege of Rhodesia, if Law hadn't sounded much more like a Cockney than anything. (And yet not even that interpretation would have been convincing...)

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